We interrupt this blog to bring you a recipe: Mon 28th July 2014

Even after nearly 10 years together, I am still amazed when I stop and watch James at work in the Kitchen. He has an ease and a creativity, an understanding of flavours, a quiet confidence and flexibility that I, as I pore over recipes and measure out quantities and fret, will never have.

Tonight, he has rustled up (and I really mean rustled – flung this and that and the other at a pan) a completely divine Peppercorn Sauce. James has regularly been told that he should write down the recipes for the sauces, dressings, marinades etc that he creates, and he never does, but I thought NO MORE! Seeing as I am sharing all kinds of rubbish with you at the moment, I thought you might like something of value – a recipe for a really decent Peppercorn Sauce.

So after much questioning here it is. Please do let me know if you like this sort of thing, because if you do I’ll try and capture a few more of his recipes and share.

James’ PepperPHWOAR Sauce

Start with Peppercorns (SHOCKING). Ideally you want green peppercorns in brine. Drain a small handful/large sprinkle of them, and chuck them in a pan.

Finally chop a small onion and add to the pan too.

Add about a quarter bottle of cheap red. Slosh.

Bubble bubble until almost all of the booze has gone.

In the meantime, make up some boeuf stock – half a pint of water with two stock cubes and a bayleaf. If you can flavour with celery and carrot too, ALL THE BETTER.

Bubble bubble.

Whack in a shot of Brandy *hic* and 2 teaspoons of both tomato paste and red currant jelly.


Wang in some celery salt and cumin to taste (James is nervous about this, but the cumin really gave it a certain je ne sais what, so take it steady and taste until you get what suits you.)

Stir in about 200ml of double cream (must be double) SLOSH SLOSH SLOSH, a few good pinches of salt and a sprinkle of Rosemary.

Stir stir STIR.

Slow simmer until saucy.

Here is a picture of my plate at the end of this meal, to illustrate how tasty this sauce was. Had I not been with my in-laws and still desperately trying to maintain a shred of decorum, I’d have licked the plate.


dazedandmumfused is on Twitter @dazednmumfused and Instagram: dazedandmumfused

2 thoughts on “We interrupt this blog to bring you a recipe: Mon 28th July 2014

  1. Actually, I was thinking the same! If Sian wasn’t here I could lick the plate – damn, lost opportunity – never mind, next time there is a yummy sauce – go for it!

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